Sunday, August 28, 2005

Staying Home

I tried, but no such luck. I looked at flights, but the airports are closed. I looked at Rental Cars, but too expensive, and too risky even with the extra coverage. And the storm is too strong to bring in my own car. So now I am shifting my mode from possible intecept mode to team support mode. I will be providing as much necessary support for the Weathervine Crew and others as I can hopefully provide.

Katrina is a major hurricane at this point. It still is drifting west a little which I did have my suspitions early one. Winds are upto 175mph and gusts are exceeding 200mph. This storm is so strong I am a bit worried about the rest of the Weathervine Crew. They need to find secure structure, and since I'm not there, they don't have my professional architectural/engineering opinion (as in Hurricane Charley). If they don't find a good shelter, their safety will be greatly in jeapordy.

I will have multiple updates tonight and tomorrow.

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