Friday, April 06, 2007

Winter Returns in force

Cold Temperatures have returned to the Mid-Atlantic. Nightime lows are around 30 degress, with Friday looking like some snow flurries might show up.

We've had warm days into the 80s so to get thrown back into the 40s for daily highs is really a shock to the system. Winter really doesn't want to let go this year.

The main issue, aside from just being uncomfortable, is that many of the spring plants and trees have blossomed and now will be severely damaged by the overnight freezing. The Cherry Blossoms in DC have already been out, and they too could see damage. Of course, this also affects the agricultural interests in the mid-atlantic. Many of the fruit bearing trees may not survive the freeze. Also, this hurts the fisherman and crabbers. With the delayed warm weather, it will be hard for the crabs to reproduce and stunt growth.

And this doesn't seem to be a day or two event, but rather a week long (or longer) trend. Next week we warm a little, perhaps into the low 50s, whereas we should be in the Mid-60s.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Cold weather sucks...